Announcing Bonfire!
It’s fine time to announce another title we’re currently working on. A personal project of Kate’s and mine, that should make fans of Magi (and challenging strategy games in general) happy.
Bonfire is a battle roguelike with a puzzle element. The puzzle is: “How the hell am I supposed to survive this!?” You can learn more about it as well as check some early screenshots on its dedicated subpage.
It started as a prototype made during one of the DBC game jams. A few months ago, we decided it had the potential to be a really fun and challenging little game, and we’ve been working on it whenever I get a break from our next VN.
We plan to do a little experiment and release a playable alpha relatively soon. The idea is that you will be able to get it very cheaply, and with each update its price will increase towards the final one. Alpha players get further updates for free and can to shape the game through their feedback (and finding crazy overpowered combos). Because the gameplay is focused on mechanics, it’s just as fun to play even in earlier stages.
Other indies have been successful with this model and we’re curious if it will work for us. If it goes well, it may be a great way to fund bigger mechanics focused games as we develop them, without having to worry that much about running out of money halfway through.
What do you think about this idea?