Happy Holidays!
Christmas is around the corner and the year is coming to an end. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for your support and wish you all a Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays, if you so prefer).
It’s also a perfect opportunity to reminisce at the passing year. And boy — what a year it was!
We finally managed to make the transition to full-time indie and launch MoaCube. Which — who knows — may as well be one of the most important decisions in our lives. And, thanks to your support, we’re still afloat. Sometimes, it’s still hard to believe this is happening for real.
On the other hand, we failed to release Cinders this year. Showing that no matter how much you learned on your past mistakes and experiences, threading into a new territory is always much harder than expected. Unfortunately, it likely means that no matter how good the game will be, it won’t be profitable. We’ll probably have to take some more commercially-safe project next year to secure our indie-ness.
Still, I can only wish the coming year to be as exciting and challenging as this one. When the goal is so enticing, who cares if the road is a bit bumpy.