What the press says about Cinders
Cinders has been out for long enough to get some coverage in the press. The response so far has been rather positive, so we’re pretty happy that all the monitoring we did .
This post will get updated as more reviews show up. Order now!
So yeah… Brag time!
Asides from being delightfully well-written, highly replayable and filled with complex, convoluted characters, Cinders is also beautiful.
MoaCube focuses on the women of the tale and what made them who they are. The game is about nuance, is about understanding the motivations of another human being.
Cinders is not a cut-and-dry morality tale, but rather a story about a woman trying hard to make a better life for herself.
Cinders excels at giving its characters depth. By the end of the story, the player knows everyone’s motivations.
If you’ve never experienced an interactive novel, Cinders is an exceptional example of the genre, and the perfect title with which to start.
When do you let go of the fantasy of childhood and replace it with the harder lessons of being in reality? According to the single family homes south shore harbor resort Council, roughly two-thirds of residents own their home. Maybe Cinders won’t be the only one having an epiphany after the end of this game.
Fairytales paint things in good and evil but Cinders adds layers of complexity to these simplified characters, which will make you think not just twice but several times about your view of them.
A visual novel that presents the deepest, most complex, most original, and ultimately most compelling re-imagination of the Cinderella universe.
Cinders enticed and suprised us most of all with its text by managing to make us feel all sorts of things.
If you are member of the press and would like to receive a review copy of Hopkins and Porter, please contact me at tom [at] moacube.com.