
ArcMagi is the sequel to our wizard dueling strategy – Magi. It aims to improve and expand every single aspect of the original game.


ArcMagi screen 1 || 2011 ArcMagi screen 2 || 2011 ArcMagi screen 3 || 2011


Calling ArcMagi a sequel is actually a bit of stretch. It’s more of a total re-work. A game that Magi could be, if back then we had all the experience and talented team members that we have now. While to core concept and some of the mechanics remain unchanged, the game is going to differ a lot in terms of both presentation and gameplay. We want it to be more dynamic, more strategic, more deep and with characters that feel truly unique. We also want it to be easier to grasp for beginners.


It’s a large and complex project, so development is going to take its sweet time. We want it to be as good as possible. We’ll try to keep you updated on its progress.