Much love!
A few weeks ago, we’ve discovered that Cinders has an actual fandom on tumblr! With reviews, people sharing their endings, fan fiction (including some charming NSFW pieces), and fan art — like this amazing drawing by Irma “Aimo” Ahmed.
I must admit it did come as a bit of a surprise at first. We’ve had no past experience with this kind of community response, and it is not everyday that you get to read racy fiction involving characters you yourself have created. It’s a wonderful feeling for a creator to see people so invested in your work. Not to mention a very motivating one!
So I guess what I really wanted to say is “thanks, people!” You are amazing and you make our days on regular basis. It’s great to know you appreciate the game so much. It pushes us into making sure that you will like our upcoming titles even more! Even business-wise you are making a big difference. Dedicated fans recommending the game to their friends is worth more than any kind of marketing money could buy. It’s largely thanks to you that we’ll be able to release more games in the future.
Special thanks have to go to Defira who made the first official Cinders fandom tumblr, Rivi who reviewed and promoted the game on her blog, and Aimo who is responsible for the drawing above (and she said, she’s not done with Cinders yet). Thanks, girls. As the title of the post says — much love!